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Ben Worsfold is an avid fan of sci-fi, Lovecraftian Horror and dark fantasy, having penned two collections of short stories before starting work on Human 2.0, late in the year 2016. His favourite sub-genre of sci-fi has always been biopunk- the 'hard' sci-fi of genetics, cybernetics and human transformation.


Taking inspiration from the Deus Ex and System Shock video games, alongside the seminal biopunk work 'Starfish', by Peter Watts, and its equally excellent sequel 'Maelstrom', Ben has tried to make Human 2.0 the quintessential biopunk roleplay experience. He hasn't done so by mathematics, analysis or minutiae like that- rather, the game was built from the ground up based on what players want to play, and what they enjoy playing, set against a backdrop of creative dark futurism that takes its cues from Alien, Blade Runner and other such influences besides. He really hopes you enjoy his work so far.


Ben's hobbies include gaming- he plays a mean round of 'Heroes of the Storm'- heavy metal music and collecting manga. He currently lives in Oxford with his inventively named cat, 'Girl-Cat', his less than friendly companion.


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